Media Release

Swipe right on security: Secure Code Warrior empowers early-stage developers with new Secure Code Bootcamp mobile app

Published Oct 01, 2020

Free mobile app helps junior developers, graduates and students build secure coding skills on-the-go.

SYDNEY, BRUGES, BOSTON, PORTLAND, LONDON – 1 October 2020 -- Secure Code Warrior®, the global secure coding company, today launched Secure Code Bootcamp, a free mobile application that empowers junior developers, students and graduates to learn secure coding as well as raise security awareness and skills, on-the-go.

Funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) and the Flemish Agency of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (VLAIO), Secure Code Warrior designed the Secure Code Bootcamp app to deliver a fun and engaging way to learn how to locate and identify OWASP vulnerabilities in specific language:frameworks. The mobile app enables users to progressively develop their secure coding abilities as they move through the challenges, and graduate with fundamental security skills, taking them to the next level in their aspiring careers as coders.

Pieter Danhieux, CEO and Co-founder, Secure Code Warrior said, “To support the 2020 International Cyber Security Month, and show our ongoing commitment to giving back to the developer community, we are offering early-stage coders a free mobile app designed to help develop a security-first mindset when creating code. By using the Secure Code Bootcamp app, users will have access to practical resources and challenges at their fingertips, anytime, anywhere.”

“Australia is experiencing a significant increase in data breaches and cyberattacks. As cybersecurity takes centre-stage following the recent strategy released by the Australian government, so too does the need for more security-aware developers. It’s rare for developers to encounter security before they enter the workforce, and with more aspects of daily life becoming reliant on software, it’s more important than ever to upskill the creators. Our app teaches young coders to recognise security early-on in their careers.”

With framework-specific, gamified activities and challenges, Secure Code Bootcamp helps users identify vulnerable code and develop essential code-review skills in different language:frameworks (Node.JS, Python:Django, Java:Spring, C# .NET: MVC). Additional features of the mobile app include:

  • Gamification badges to unlock new challenges
  • 14 vulnerability categories and sub-categories
  • Instructional videos on OWASP vulnerabilities and foundational concepts
  • Coaching feedback to build secure-coding knowledge 
  • Metrics to monitor progress

AustCyber CEO, Michelle Price said, “As the adoption of technology soars, trust in those technologies needs to follow suit, and trust is facilitated by robust cyber security. It is important we establish the foundations right from the start. By empowering new learners with access to the right tools and resources they need to code securely, Australian born company Secure Code Warrior is helping to build cyber resilience at ground level.”

“This is one of the many steps we need to take to draw people to a cyber security career in order to address the skills shortage our industry and the economy more broadly faces. The Secure Code Bootcamp app also engages learners of all ages and competency levels in a gamified environment which gives a sustained and measurable way to grow quality skills.”

Secure Code Bootcamp app is available on Google Play Store. The app will launch on the Apple App store (iOS) later this year. 

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