Media Release

Secure Code Warrior Senior Vice President Named a Top Woman Leader in Cybersecurity 2021 by The Software Report

Published May 05, 2021

SYDNEY, BOSTON, LONDON -- (April 29, 2021) - Secure Code WarriorⓇ, the global secure coding company, today announced that Senior Vice President of Customer Success and Operations, Fatemah Beydoun, was named one of the Top 25 Women Leaders in Cybersecurity of 2021 by The Software Report. The award names 25 of the top women leaders in cybersecurity that have addressed new challenges in cyber risks and vulnerabilities, and have implemented proactive strategies that ensure ongoing resilience to cyberattacks.


The relevance of upskilling developer security skills has fresh importance as companies go through digital transformations and adapt to a cloud-based infrastructure. Beydoun has been responsible for showing the success Secure Code Warrior customers experienced with improving security, and leading the Customer Success teams globally.  

Fatemah Beydoun, a founding team member of Secure Code Warrior, has been an integral part of the company since 2014 and this award recognizes Beydoun’s contributions to the business in her role as Senior Vice President of Customer Success and Operations. 

“It is wonderful to be recognized by The Software Report, especially among so many talented women who are driving positive initiatives in the industry,” said Fatemah Beydoun, Senior Vice President of Customer Success and Operations at Secure Code Warrior.

I am proud to advocate for our customers and support them in their quest to implement a human-led approach in their security programs, and make cybersecurity a shared responsibility and top priority among developers. It is also my hope that visibility of women in key tech positions will show there is a viable pathway for young girls who want a STEM career.


Along with Fatemah, each leader on the list has demonstrated a dedication to protecting valuable online assets to allow their employers and clients to function with agility and confidence in an increasingly digital world. In roles across information security, customer experience, product development, marketing, and more, these professionals have utilized their deep knowledge of their industries, keen awareness of the threat landscape, and understanding of client needs to develop innovative and effective security products, services, and programs.

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