Embedded Systems and Empowering Your Team

Published Jul 07, 2020
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Embedded Systems and Empowering Your Team

Published Jul 07, 2020
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Smart Products, Internet of Things, Automated Control and Management of production and distribution systems are just some of the things fueling the development of embedded systems. But as we rely more and more on products and processes that have embedded software what are the impacts of security vulnerabilities in those systems for their operation, privacy and safety and how do we mitigate them?

Hear from Secure Code Warriors’ CTO Matias Modou on the steps you can take to reduce the number of common vulnerabilities in the systems you produce whilst accelerating time to delivery and reducing costs.

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Embedded Systems and Empowering Your Team

Published Jul 07, 2020

Smart Products, Internet of Things, Automated Control and Management of production and distribution systems are just some of the things fueling the development of embedded systems. But as we rely more and more on products and processes that have embedded software what are the impacts of security vulnerabilities in those systems for their operation, privacy and safety and how do we mitigate them?

Hear from Secure Code Warriors’ CTO Matias Modou on the steps you can take to reduce the number of common vulnerabilities in the systems you produce whilst accelerating time to delivery and reducing costs.

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