The path to security champions

Published Aug 04, 2023
Case study

The path to security champions

Published Aug 04, 2023
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Decorative image with the name of the webinar
Decorative image with the name of the webinar

Organizations often approach security with the goal of reducing their risk profile organically - usually by identifying developers who can evolve into security champions. However, the challenge in identifying and nurturing security champions is to build a program that can scale over time and empower developers to help increase the overall security posture of an organization.

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The path to security champions

Published Aug 04, 2023

Organizations often approach security with the goal of reducing their risk profile organically - usually by identifying developers who can evolve into security champions. However, the challenge in identifying and nurturing security champions is to build a program that can scale over time and empower developers to help increase the overall security posture of an organization.

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