Software is your colleague: A new perspective to strengthen access control and API security

Published Jul 28, 2022
Case study

Software is your colleague: A new perspective to strengthen access control and API security

Gartner correctly predicted that by 2022, API attacks would become the most popular attack vector; in the past year alone, API attack traffic has seen a staggering 681% increase.

Better security requires treating APIs like human users to protect against their inherent flaws and vulnerabilities. The developer community is uniquely positioned to lead that effort.

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Software is your colleague: A new perspective to strengthen access control and API security

Published Jul 28, 2022

Gartner correctly predicted that by 2022, API attacks would become the most popular attack vector; in the past year alone, API attack traffic has seen a staggering 681% increase.

Better security requires treating APIs like human users to protect against their inherent flaws and vulnerabilities. The developer community is uniquely positioned to lead that effort.

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