Security and privacy at Secure Code Warrior

Published Jun 16, 2022
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Security and privacy at Secure Code Warrior

Secure Code Warrior is committed to safeguarding our information assets, and those of our customers, against misuse, abuse or compromise. We adopt and foster a risk-based approach to managing information security, with the goal of consistently implementing appropriate risk management and mitigation measures to address the threat landscape posed to the security of the platform, customer data and information. As Secure Code Warrior continues to succeed as a major player providing services to our customers, we will continue to build security capabilities as part of our security and privacy programs. Read our whitepaper for more information.

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Security and privacy at Secure Code Warrior

Published Jun 16, 2022

Secure Code Warrior is committed to safeguarding our information assets, and those of our customers, against misuse, abuse or compromise. We adopt and foster a risk-based approach to managing information security, with the goal of consistently implementing appropriate risk management and mitigation measures to address the threat landscape posed to the security of the platform, customer data and information. As Secure Code Warrior continues to succeed as a major player providing services to our customers, we will continue to build security capabilities as part of our security and privacy programs. Read our whitepaper for more information.

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