How to close the avoidance and remediation gap in open source compliance.

Published Jun 24, 2021
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How to close the avoidance and remediation gap in open source compliance.

Published Jun 24, 2021
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In a recent Aberdeen report, 8 out of 9 organizations were not aware of any compliance or vulnerability issues in their codebase. For the one company that identified issues, what they knew only represented 9.5 percent of the actual issues eventually uncovered through a software audit. This represents both an avoidance and remediation gap when it comes to managing security and compliance risk.

Closing this gap is important to help engineering teams and their leaders better understand the impact of open source software on an organization’s ability to create and deliver risk-free solutions. Part of the solution is creating a closed-loop process of training developers on the importance of security and compliance as well as how to mitigate risk, along with establishing the right tools for discovery and remediation.

If you’re a developer, engineering leader, or security specialist, in this webinar hear our experts Alex Rybak, Director of Product Management at Revenera and Matias Madou, CTO at Secure Code Warrior discuss:

- The importance of implementing continuous governance throughout the software development lifecycle.
- Why a Software Bill of Materials (SBoM) is an Engineering leader’s best friend.
- How developing trusty-worthy solutions begins with setting agreed upon cross-functional policies for identifying and remediating risk.
- Industry regulations coming into play requiring structural change to support compliance and security management.
- The role companies now play in securing developer education through programs such as micro-training for a more robust open source management initiative.

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How to close the avoidance and remediation gap in open source compliance.

Published Jun 24, 2021

In a recent Aberdeen report, 8 out of 9 organizations were not aware of any compliance or vulnerability issues in their codebase. For the one company that identified issues, what they knew only represented 9.5 percent of the actual issues eventually uncovered through a software audit. This represents both an avoidance and remediation gap when it comes to managing security and compliance risk.

Closing this gap is important to help engineering teams and their leaders better understand the impact of open source software on an organization’s ability to create and deliver risk-free solutions. Part of the solution is creating a closed-loop process of training developers on the importance of security and compliance as well as how to mitigate risk, along with establishing the right tools for discovery and remediation.

If you’re a developer, engineering leader, or security specialist, in this webinar hear our experts Alex Rybak, Director of Product Management at Revenera and Matias Madou, CTO at Secure Code Warrior discuss:

- The importance of implementing continuous governance throughout the software development lifecycle.
- Why a Software Bill of Materials (SBoM) is an Engineering leader’s best friend.
- How developing trusty-worthy solutions begins with setting agreed upon cross-functional policies for identifying and remediating risk.
- Industry regulations coming into play requiring structural change to support compliance and security management.
- The role companies now play in securing developer education through programs such as micro-training for a more robust open source management initiative.

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