Coding Labs

Published Sep 01, 2023
Case study

Coding Labs

Published Sep 01, 2023
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Traditional secure code education makes your developers yawn. Right?

With secure code warriors agile learning approach, developers learn quick with short micro bursts of highly relevant just in time education.

Coding labs, our simulated IDE learning experience, changes the game With coding labs, your developers learn by doing within a fully interactive IDE environment that runs in browser.

Developers write code and fix real world vulnerabilities.

Coding labs automatically prompts them with real time contextual feedback, they needed. This practical learning approach inside the simulated IDE keeps them engaged and is much more relevant to their daily work. The result measurable productivity gains in terms of reducing risk, avoiding costly rework, and fixing vulnerabilities faster.

Coding labs is significantly different to other security education options. It doesn't require developers to spin up new virtual machines.

It provides hands on education with the UI that developers know and love.

It moves the developers forward with suggested code snippets and step by step answers tailored to address the developer's mistakes.

And it saves developers from ineffective classroom and compliance oriented occasion. That's why secure code warrior customers see two to three times measurable productivity gains in terms of reducing risk, avoiding costly rework, and fixing vulnerabilities, faster.

Book a demo to see coding labs in action today.

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Coding Labs

Published Sep 01, 2023

Video transcript

Traditional secure code education makes your developers yawn. Right?

With secure code warriors agile learning approach, developers learn quick with short micro bursts of highly relevant just in time education.

Coding labs, our simulated IDE learning experience, changes the game With coding labs, your developers learn by doing within a fully interactive IDE environment that runs in browser.

Developers write code and fix real world vulnerabilities.

Coding labs automatically prompts them with real time contextual feedback, they needed. This practical learning approach inside the simulated IDE keeps them engaged and is much more relevant to their daily work. The result measurable productivity gains in terms of reducing risk, avoiding costly rework, and fixing vulnerabilities faster.

Coding labs is significantly different to other security education options. It doesn't require developers to spin up new virtual machines.

It provides hands on education with the UI that developers know and love.

It moves the developers forward with suggested code snippets and step by step answers tailored to address the developer's mistakes.

And it saves developers from ineffective classroom and compliance oriented occasion. That's why secure code warrior customers see two to three times measurable productivity gains in terms of reducing risk, avoiding costly rework, and fixing vulnerabilities, faster.

Book a demo to see coding labs in action today.

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