Accelerating Developer-First Security

Published Nov 23, 2022
Case study

Accelerating Developer-First Security


Software has evolved to become the lifeblood of companies across all sectors and industries, with digital transformation and innovation key drivers of modern business operations.

While speed-to-market and availability of applications are board-level topics for most companies, this accelerated development and delivery carries a hefty price that is too often paid: the deprioritization of security. Independent research carried out in conjunction with Evans Data confirmed that just 29% of developers believe that writing vulnerability-free code should be prioritized.

As a result, the friction between software development and security remains unresolved, while the risk of doing business in a world of devastating data breaches runs at an all-time high.

In this fireside chat, a panel of security experts from Allianz, BMW,  Siemens, Contrast and Secure Code Warrior will discuss how development and AppSec teams can be harmonized, without sacrificing deployment speed or compromising on code quality and security. 

You will learn:

  • How to understand the developer mindset and motivate them by appealing to their engineering excellence 
  • Better investments in the modern AppSec team
  • What IAST is, and how, together with RASP, it can save time and money
  • How developers can ask for the right kind of help from their security teams 
  • How the security team can help developers identify, assess, and prioritize vulnerabilities to determine whether they need immediate mitigation or ongoing monitoring.
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Accelerating Developer-First Security

Published Nov 23, 2022

Software has evolved to become the lifeblood of companies across all sectors and industries, with digital transformation and innovation key drivers of modern business operations.

While speed-to-market and availability of applications are board-level topics for most companies, this accelerated development and delivery carries a hefty price that is too often paid: the deprioritization of security. Independent research carried out in conjunction with Evans Data confirmed that just 29% of developers believe that writing vulnerability-free code should be prioritized.

As a result, the friction between software development and security remains unresolved, while the risk of doing business in a world of devastating data breaches runs at an all-time high.

In this fireside chat, a panel of security experts from Allianz, BMW,  Siemens, Contrast and Secure Code Warrior will discuss how development and AppSec teams can be harmonized, without sacrificing deployment speed or compromising on code quality and security. 

You will learn:

  • How to understand the developer mindset and motivate them by appealing to their engineering excellence 
  • Better investments in the modern AppSec team
  • What IAST is, and how, together with RASP, it can save time and money
  • How developers can ask for the right kind of help from their security teams 
  • How the security team can help developers identify, assess, and prioritize vulnerabilities to determine whether they need immediate mitigation or ongoing monitoring.

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